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How Exercise Improves You

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exercise for mental clarity

We all generally understand that exercise is good for us because it maintains, and it improves our health. For those that exercise on a regular basis it's just something that is really needed to get them going but for others trying to get into the groove of incorporating into their routine it can be difficult. Like anything in the beginning, it takes a little bit of time for it to stick because there's going to be the natural inclination to resist. Those habits that have been adopted make it a little bit more challenging to change if there's not enough intention and commitment to it.

For the most part many of us want to exercise consistently but many things get in the way and usually it's the restriction of time or what appears to be that. For those that do exercise daily or several times a week it's usually because they've made it a priority, they're committed to it, and they feel the effects of how it impacts their overall well-being for the better.

If you're wanting to make exercise a daily habit and are struggling to do so let's start to look at some of the benefits it has on the brain. Having a deep understanding of the benefits might resonate a little bit better and can make you committed to it. That general knowledge of exercise is good for you, but how?

How exercise improves the brain

When you get your body in motion whether it's walking, running, doing push-ups or squats, all this increases your heart rate and pumps more oxygen to the brain. It affects neurotransmitters in the brain which are fluid for the nerves. The more you exercise, the more fluid is increased that helps nerve impulses travel faster. The results are you can think and process information faster.

A body in motion tends to stay in motion and gets your brain ready to perform at a higher level as opposed to when you just sit down. Brain plasticity also increases with exercise which makes it more readily able to change and repair itself. This could include certain injuries to the brain or if we just look at the stresses that we all go through it really helps to alleviate much of that. If we think about it exercise itself, it might not be seen as much fun, but it can be.

Exercise also helps to form more blood vessels that cause them to be laid down closer to each other. More blood vessels mean more blood and that means better nutrition for your brain that adds up to better brain function. This makes you more mentally sharp and allows you to better focus.

Generally, when exercise is thought of, the things that are highlighted are your weight, your physical muscles but the brain or the mind is secondary or almost not even thought of. This is understandable because when the body is moving it can be seen as a direct correlation to the body group that is being worked. So if you're running you're thinking about the legs that are being worked and your lungs are being expanded and contracted.

All of this adds up to just feeling more upbeat and better about yourself than when you don't exercise. It's so captivating the things that we see and there might be a tendency to forget about the things that we feel and experience. If we're just not feeling good about whatever it is that is being experienced a great way to just combat that is to get some sort of exercise and it can be enough just to get your heart racing and breaking a sweat.

Exercise creates momentum

Any form of exercise that you do creates momentum for your day. While you might have a lot of things that need to get done today and even over the next week, just having some sort of workout gets you ready to take it on. This helps to enter the mindset of ready to work, ready to get after the day.

It's estimated that 76% of self-made millionaires exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. This makes sense because they hold themselves accountable and the follow-through has allowed them to reach certain financial milestones. They go through what everybody else does, struggles and problems yet they can overcome that by getting the body and mind activated.

Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, workouts every day before heading into the office and this really sets the tone for the day. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of Meta Platforms trains in jiu-jitsu. Or if you look at the billionaire Sir Richard Branson, he incorporates fun workouts whether it's tennis or biking or hiking and for him he makes it not feel like a chore where it's something that he really enjoys doing.

Remember when we were young kids and teenagers, we probably had some sort of sport that we all gravitated towards and that's another great example of it. Playing one-on-one basketball with your neighbor, with a buddy, playing soccer with the group at the park or just throwing the football around running.

This helps make it not seem like it must be done and more looking forward to being active. Whatever we do we should always strive to enjoy it and not just do it for the results or the reward that comes with it. If you don’t like running, then don’t run just because it’s a good exercise. Find those workouts that feel like a game.

Do whatever works for you and make sure to be active. If you miss a day here or there, no big thing but make sure that momentum does not build in that direction. Too many days of not exercising can lead to being too comfortable and unmotivated to do much.

You’re in a good place when you’re itching to work out because now it is something you look forward to. But even if you don’t look forward to it yet you do it anyway then it says a lot about how strong your discipline is that indicates the heights you can reach. Doing what you don’t want to do but you somehow find a way to get it. done This further builds your work ethic.

Exercise unlocks many great things about you

Another element of exercising regularly is it unlocks many great things about yourself. For some being on the move really allows certain traits or features to excel. In being still it kind of quiets the big courageous side of you, where maybe it’s about being on your best behavior and feels restricting, moving away from trusting yourself. But when you get yourself moving it breaks away from playing it safe or trying not to ruffle any feathers.

Where you let yourself be and feel like you’re living instead of being a spectator. This is why sports are so beneficial because it develops a person on so many levels, that include focus, communication, confidence, being able to withstand hardships to work through them, working well with others, and becoming great leaders and teammates. Exercise provides these types of experiences to enhance who we are.

It's a great opportunity to really improve yourself talk where maybe if you're just sedentary the self-talk might be a bit unmotivated and somewhat negative but when you're moving it's natural to become a little bit more motivated that makes you a bit more positive and all this is going to increase your confidence. This essentially switches from a mode of can't to what can be done. And those workouts that you do by yourself or with a partner essentially who you're competing with is yourself, so it's not just about how do I compare to others but it's about just focusing on growing and getting better.

It is not all about wins and losses or who is the best because that strips out the beauty of the process of growth. If you look at grown elephants, they are these magical creatures that leave us in awe. But we are also captivated by a baby elephant learning to stand and walk only for them to fall, yet people will be cheering for them to keep trying.

The growth process is also magical even though it may not feel like that as you are experiencing the falling down part. It is becoming and transforming so we can try different things and find what works for us. Let’s embrace the making and ongoing work that we put into ourselves instead of being focused on a certain outcome. Make exercise about the process of it and not about how much weight was lost or how strong you are, these are still good metrics to pursue but not what its entirely about.

Let go how you physically see yourself and instead focus on how well you feel. The more you exercise the better you will feel. This takes the pressure off needing to get certain results and lets you just enjoy working out for its own sake. When we are relaxed, we can move with more grace and fluidity that can seem almost effortless, but when we are tight, we restrict ourselves because it is almost trying to not mess up instead of letting things flow. Do it for the mental clarity that it provides because when you’re in the right frame of mind whatever you face seems more manageable.

Best time to exercise is whenever you can

When is the best time to work out? The answer is straightforward and that's anytime that works for you. Some are going to make the case that working out in the morning is best because it gets you going, it feels like you've accomplished the big feat for the day that really gets that momentum going. You get it out the way and you can just go about your day with greater fluidity. Getting those endorphins going just really elevates how you start today that sets the tone for the rest of it. You get it out of the way and feel a bit more relaxed because you know that you've done what you prioritized.

For some working out in the morning may not be optimal because of later sleep schedules. Teenagers tend to sleep later and wake up later so why exercise first thing in the morning when the focus might not be there. It could just be forcing yourself through it yet you're not effective in the workout.

Maybe you want to go on an intense run at 5:00 in the morning yet you're jogging and kind of walking so the intensity is not there. Even though you might feel good after getting this done losing some of that sleep is going to affect you later on in the day. Instead of you being able to work through the afternoon and in the evening, you start to become fatigued that just makes you ineffective throughout the day.

If this happens to be the case, then working out in the afternoon or evening, whatever fits your schedule is going to be super beneficial to you. Remember you want to make this fun and not feel so much like an obligation that takes the joy out of it. You feel more relaxed instead of rushing to fit a workout here and there.

Just because you see others running during the day there's no need to do the same if you got work or school going on. If there are so many different things to get done, running in the evenings is a great opportunity to unwind. Some say that working out later in the day can affect your sleep schedule and it may be so but at least you're getting your body moving, that is just going to help you feel better overall.

Final thoughts

We know on the surface that exercise is great for us but now we see how it really impacts the brain for the better. It makes you more aware, clears out some of the things that are weighing on your mind, it really improves your cognitive abilities where you can think and process information a lot faster and it's going to spark a lot of great ideas. All of this is just going to make you feel better about yourself as your confidence just grows. You shift from that waiting stage to see how things play out and are more on the offensive being proactive.

It just helps to alleviate the stresses that you're facing, and it gives you a great perspective on how to handle them. Those moments that you're feeling down or unmotivated, just not in the mood to do anything but you know you need to get your body moving, go out and play whatever sport or whatever activity that gets your heart racing where you're out of breath and really challenging yourself. Exercise is not just for your physical health but it's just great for strengthening your mental fortitude. It's going to really help you untangle much of the intrusive thoughts that are holding you back. Build that positive momentum so you can ride that wave in life.

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