Temas de miembros
This resource is built on a process that has many different features to assist in your development. It all starts and ends with your journal to capture your thoughts no matter what stage in life you are in. Writing out what is on your mind will allow you to gain perspective and clarity to find the answers you need. Many times, keeping things only in our head can make things overwhelming and confusing leading to becoming frustrated with ourselves. Use it to unload and reload mentally.
The days can get hectic with so many things that need to get done that the bigger things are put off until later. A priority list is provided to aid you in planning out getting the big things done for the day that align with your aspirations and dreams. Use it to focus on a few things daily at most to produce high quality results. Being busy is not an effective strategy to make significant progress. Be intentional and dialed in, the results will amaze you.
The roadmap is broken down into 3 stages that takes you step-by-step to build upon itself. Stage 1 is about understanding yourself better. Stage 2 is about capturing the things that intrigue you to open the many possibilities. Stage 3 is to develop yourself to become what your desire. The progression of each stage is meant to continuously be used to help you through the present things you face. Through features such as "my struggles" or "dealing with negativity" you can actively evaluate what is going on and find ways to overcome them. As you work through each stage, your responses are saved in "my topics responses" to reflect on them later.
Stage 1
The process starts out with focusing on yourself and evaluating the many aspects. Understanding yourself better can help deal with your emotions, focus, struggles and negativity. It gives you the ability to give a detailed and big picture view to see where your blind spots are and what advantages you have. When we are more aware of ourselves, we can better manage ourselves and improve all aspects of our lives. It allows our minds to thrive to put us in good situations.
Stage 2
Here is where you can open possibilities you may not have seriously considered. Much of the limitations we have of ourselves come from the experiences and people around us. Use these features to explore your desires, interests and things you a curious about. Allow your mind to fly, because eventually you will follow these thoughts and ideas. Promote your curiosity so you are ready when opportunity arises to act on it.
Stage 3
Once you have worked though understanding yourself better and exploring your possibilities the features in this stage can help you grow. Here, the focus is about evaluating, identifying and developing want you want to become. You'll work to create a plan of action to ensure you meet your objectives. These features can help you build upon what you have, beginning with your internal drive and purpose.